Brendan McCormick Kilbride

Brendan McCormick Kilbride

Presidential Fellow (Academic)

The University of Manchester

I am a volcanologist, interested in the behaviour of volatiles in magmatic systems and the emissions of gases into the atmosphere. I hold a tenure-track Presidential Fellowship at the University of Manchester. I draw on satellite-, field-, and laboratory-based methods. The key objectives of my research are to understand the origins of the gases emitted by volcanoes, especially in Earth’s subduction zones, and relate measurements of gas chemistry and flux to imminent changes in levels of unrest or volcanic eruptions. At the present time, I am particularly interested in the volcanoes of Papua New Guinea, in the Western Bismarck, New Britain and Bougainville subduction zones.

I am currently looking to recruit a PhD student to join our research group in Manchester and conduct research into magmatic volatiles at Rabaul caldera. The project description is available here. Please contact me with any inquiries.


  • Geochemistry
  • Remote sensing
  • Volcano monitoring


  • PhD in Earth Sciences, 2014

    University of Cambridge

  • MSci in Earth Sciences, 2009

    University of Oxford